There are many ways to create quality backlinks. Backlinks are a very important process in internet marketing. I am going to list a few free ways to do this and drive traffic to your site.
Create account with all the free blogs such as,,, etc. Post a unique article to each of them. Link each blog or property to your main site.
There are tons of social bookmarking sites. Digg, onlywire, stumbleupon, technorati and so many more, just google it.
Post links on your facebook, myspace and twitter pages
Post in forums and have a link in your signature.
Submit articles to sites like ezine, goarticle, ehow, searchwarp and many others.
Use add services like 3 step adds us free adds.
Google is you friend, anytime I am looking for bookmarking sites or article directories I just google it. I also go to a work at home forum, join one, it is well worth the knowledge you will learn from these expereinced marketers.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
What is Affiliate Marketing and How does it Work?
There are thousands of affiliate products out there to promote. Affiliate Marketing is when you take that product and promote it on line. Now for beginners this could be as simple as creating a blog, or Squidoo lens which are both very simple. You then direct your visitors to your link to the affiliate product in your site where they purchase and you get paid.
Now for a newbie, this can be overwhelming as you have to learn how to drive traffic to you site, how to get indexed by Google, and about keywords. There are thousands of ways to promote your site. As a newbie to affiliate marketing, you will be overwhelmed in the beginning. Its a huge learning curve that takes months. The good news is there are programs out there, some of them free, some very low cost that can take weeks or months off of your learning curve.
You also have to decide what you are going to promote, many choose a business in a box, but that's not for everyone. I think if you can find something you are passionate about your success will be much greater. Think about what you love, then Google it with the word affiliate behind it and Ta Da, there are your choices. You can market ebooks, vitamins, electronics, almost anything you can think of there is an affiliate program out there for that product.
The best thing to do is get your site up with you affiliate link, then start the learning. This way you can tweek and apply what you learn as you go, but get started first. Once you get one site up and running, then you can go onto another and then another. I average creating a new site every week now. When I first started it would take me a month to get just one up. So lets say 1 week per site, 4 sites in one month all bringing in income even as you sleep. Rinse and repeat. I use a one week marketing plan and it has got me off the ground.
I started this 5 months ago part time and at first had little success. I got laid off 2 weeks ago so I knew I had to start getting serious. I spent 10 and 12 hours a day on this to get it up and running . I was a newbie and totally lost. Well it paid off, now I make money and in the last 2 weeks I made very close to what I made at my "real job", which by the way wasn't exactly peanuts. The best part is I love it. I have put together a guide that will help with your learning curve if you want to move ahead faster and start bringing in some cash. Its called Affiliate Marketing Made Easy. Start making money faster and take some of that learning curve away.
I hated my day job, my hours were awful and I did not have a life. One day I just Googled "make money from home" and wow the opportunities, a lot of them scams. I lost a lot of money in the beginning. Now 8 months later I am headed for financial freedom. Did it take work, yes it did, is it worth it to be able to have my freedom back oh yes. I want to share this, because in today's economy, times are hard. I also want to let those new to this know that it can work and its fun and don't give up, I almost did, but so glad I didn't.
More of how I used one week marketing to get here is below.
Now for a newbie, this can be overwhelming as you have to learn how to drive traffic to you site, how to get indexed by Google, and about keywords. There are thousands of ways to promote your site. As a newbie to affiliate marketing, you will be overwhelmed in the beginning. Its a huge learning curve that takes months. The good news is there are programs out there, some of them free, some very low cost that can take weeks or months off of your learning curve.
You also have to decide what you are going to promote, many choose a business in a box, but that's not for everyone. I think if you can find something you are passionate about your success will be much greater. Think about what you love, then Google it with the word affiliate behind it and Ta Da, there are your choices. You can market ebooks, vitamins, electronics, almost anything you can think of there is an affiliate program out there for that product.
The best thing to do is get your site up with you affiliate link, then start the learning. This way you can tweek and apply what you learn as you go, but get started first. Once you get one site up and running, then you can go onto another and then another. I average creating a new site every week now. When I first started it would take me a month to get just one up. So lets say 1 week per site, 4 sites in one month all bringing in income even as you sleep. Rinse and repeat. I use a one week marketing plan and it has got me off the ground.
I started this 5 months ago part time and at first had little success. I got laid off 2 weeks ago so I knew I had to start getting serious. I spent 10 and 12 hours a day on this to get it up and running . I was a newbie and totally lost. Well it paid off, now I make money and in the last 2 weeks I made very close to what I made at my "real job", which by the way wasn't exactly peanuts. The best part is I love it. I have put together a guide that will help with your learning curve if you want to move ahead faster and start bringing in some cash. Its called Affiliate Marketing Made Easy. Start making money faster and take some of that learning curve away.
I hated my day job, my hours were awful and I did not have a life. One day I just Googled "make money from home" and wow the opportunities, a lot of them scams. I lost a lot of money in the beginning. Now 8 months later I am headed for financial freedom. Did it take work, yes it did, is it worth it to be able to have my freedom back oh yes. I want to share this, because in today's economy, times are hard. I also want to let those new to this know that it can work and its fun and don't give up, I almost did, but so glad I didn't.
More of how I used one week marketing to get here is below.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Testimonial From a Successful Wealthy Affiliate Member
I have been an active member of a work at home forum for some time now. They have been great. I asked keith, a silver member there who has had a lot of success to offer his view on Wealthy Affiliate, so here it is. Thank you Keith.
"If there has been one single factor that has made the biggest difference in my internet marketing career, it has been Wealthy Affiliate. I can honestly say that there is a good chance that I would not be earning money online today had I not signed up. A big thanks to Carson, Kyle, and everyone else at Wealthy Affiliate who pitched in to contribute to my success."
"If there has been one single factor that has made the biggest difference in my internet marketing career, it has been Wealthy Affiliate. I can honestly say that there is a good chance that I would not be earning money online today had I not signed up. A big thanks to Carson, Kyle, and everyone else at Wealthy Affiliate who pitched in to contribute to my success."
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Free Sites and Training to Help You Get Started
There is tons of free training out there. You can get overwhelmed if you try to do too many at one time. You will end up going in circles reading and never taking action. You can lose weeks and months if you don't focus.
I suggest picking one training program and sticking with it. You learn new things from all of them, but if you do more than one at a time, you will get side tracked.
There is the 30 Day Challenge by Ed Dale. It takes you through a 30 day process and teaches one technique per day. Excellent and free.
There is also Travis@bummarketingmethod is a good one too. He is entertaining and also a member of Wealthy Affiliate mentioned in a post below.
Both of these are a starting point. Although I have only scratched the surface in this blog, I will continue to add helful information on a regular basis. Best of luck and don't give up. It can work.
I suggest picking one training program and sticking with it. You learn new things from all of them, but if you do more than one at a time, you will get side tracked.
There is the 30 Day Challenge by Ed Dale. It takes you through a 30 day process and teaches one technique per day. Excellent and free.
There is also Travis@bummarketingmethod is a good one too. He is entertaining and also a member of Wealthy Affiliate mentioned in a post below.
Both of these are a starting point. Although I have only scratched the surface in this blog, I will continue to add helful information on a regular basis. Best of luck and don't give up. It can work.
Low Cost Starting Programs

Ok, you have decided to give affiliate marketing a try. In my below posts I have shared a lot of free information as to how you can get started. Also I have posted some free training that will help you learn the ins and outs. The free way does work, it just may taking you longer to get up and running because the learning curve here is so steep.
There are a few programs out there that are very inexpensive and packed full of useful information and take you by the hand and help you start making money. I have not tried and tested them all but there are 3 that I know come highly recommended by thousands. I know these not to be scams and I know they are well worth their price.
1. My Online Income System was created by Kimberely Hoffman. She has taught thousands how to get up and running and start making money quickly. This program is not a scam and is legit and comes highly recommended. You can check out My Online Income System here.
2. Maverick Money Makers has very high reviews as well. I have read many success stories with this on the forums. I personally have not reviewed this one, but trust my sources. Check out Maverick Money Makers here.
3. Wealthy Affiliate. I have heard so much good about this program. I have never heard or read on any of the forums anything bad about this. I think it is a proven step by step 8 week guide to make money. I have not joined this yes, but it is next on my list. It has a monthly fee that more than pays for itself.
How I Finally Put it all Together and Earned $387.00 in 7 days

I started affiliate marketing 4 months ago. I went into information overload, although I learned a lot. I tried a lot of things and learned a lot of things for free and I have mentioned a lot of these in the following posts. It was hard to stick to because I worked full time and I had so many resources I was following. I managed to get a blog up and the first 3 months I did not make a dime. Layoffs were happening at my place of employment and I knew I had to get serious and find a plan and stick to it.
I researched a lot and decided on Pot Pie Girl' One Week Marketing Plan. I did not have 30 days or 8 weeks to start making money. It is a step by step easy to follow guide that will have your site up and running and generating traffic very quickly. This program got me off the ground and taught me the basics and I did make money the first week. My sites are now up and being crawled by google and week 3 I checked my clickbank and other affiliate accounts and had $387.00 and this happened in three days. I highly recommend it if you want to get off the ground and start earning cash quickly.
The great thing about her program is you can use it over and over and generate multiple streams of income. She is very successful at affiliate marketing and she shares her knowledge and helps others. She also replies to any emails that you may send her personally. The support she offers speaks volumes. When you join her program you continually get free tips in your email almost daily to help you improve your skills and knowledge. Hands down, this is my favorite. And by the way, I did get laid off, but thanks to this guide, I don't think I will be going back to work.
Here is the total on my clickbank account for the last 7 days:
2009-06-09 09:15 8E9***** PYPL GBP Sale 1 $26.48 PUG17 ROBIN29072 GB
2009-06-09 03:31 EN2***** VISA EUR Sale 1 $26.28 PUG17 ROBIN29072 IE
2009-06-09 03:06 44K***** MSTR GBP Sale 1 $26.48 PUG17 ROBIN29072 GB
2009-06-08 20:14 GTK***** PYPL USD Sale 1 $26.96 PUG17 ROBIN29072 US CA
2009-06-06 07:14 CRT***** VISA USD Sale 1 $26.78 PUG17 ROBIN29072 US NY
2009-06-05 22:11 ENK***** VISA USD Sale 1 $20.04 FLIRT ROBIN29072 US CA
2009-06-04 10:21 TYE***** VISA GBP Sale 1 $26.48 PUG17 ROBIN29072 GB
2009-06-01 18:20 JD9***** VISA USD Sale 1 $31.85 POTPIEGIRL ROBIN29072 US
2009-06-01 07:11 P9E***** MSTR USD Sale 1 $16.02 MMEEBOOK ROBIN29072 US SC
Displaying all 9 results. Total: $227.37
Prior to this it was a big fat ZERO. If I continue to follow her plan, I know it will just grow every day. If you would like to know more click here on the Click here on the One Week Marketing Plan.
The rest of the money came from resources other than Clickbank.
How do you generate traffic to your site
There are many ways to generate traffic to your site. I am going to list a few below. All are free.
1. Article marketing is one of the number one ways. Ezine, Goarticles are just a couple, but there are many more. You write articles that have content related to what you are promoting and put your link to your site in the article and it will drive the traffic.
2. Join Twitter, learn the ins and outs and this will drive traffic as well.
3.Craigslist, depending on what you are promoting can be effective, but be sure to read the terms and conditions carefully as they are tricky and you can get flagged.
4. Forum Marketing is a good one. Don't go onto a forum with the intention of promoting your business. Just put your business in your signature link and get active. In the beginning you will be asking more questions than contributing information, but in time, you will build a reputation on these forums and people will begin to trust you. It takes time, but credibility is important on these forums. These people are serious and they can really help you.
5. Comment on other blogs in a niche similar to yours. Most blogs allow you to have your name and title linked back to your blog when you leave a comment. This is how people will find your blog.
6. Social Networking sites such as Myspace, and Facebook can boost traffic as you increase your friends.
7. Put your link in your email signature.
8. Post in forums that discuss your topic. This is an amazing way to start building a list if you offer good information. I have people emailing me constantly from forums wanting to know more, not about my product but my advice. This gives me the opportunity to reply my my link in my signature.
These are just a few basics and there are so many more. You don't want to get overwhelmed so pick one or two at a time, master it and then take on another.
1. Article marketing is one of the number one ways. Ezine, Goarticles are just a couple, but there are many more. You write articles that have content related to what you are promoting and put your link to your site in the article and it will drive the traffic.
2. Join Twitter, learn the ins and outs and this will drive traffic as well.
3.Craigslist, depending on what you are promoting can be effective, but be sure to read the terms and conditions carefully as they are tricky and you can get flagged.
4. Forum Marketing is a good one. Don't go onto a forum with the intention of promoting your business. Just put your business in your signature link and get active. In the beginning you will be asking more questions than contributing information, but in time, you will build a reputation on these forums and people will begin to trust you. It takes time, but credibility is important on these forums. These people are serious and they can really help you.
5. Comment on other blogs in a niche similar to yours. Most blogs allow you to have your name and title linked back to your blog when you leave a comment. This is how people will find your blog.
6. Social Networking sites such as Myspace, and Facebook can boost traffic as you increase your friends.
7. Put your link in your email signature.
8. Post in forums that discuss your topic. This is an amazing way to start building a list if you offer good information. I have people emailing me constantly from forums wanting to know more, not about my product but my advice. This gives me the opportunity to reply my my link in my signature.
These are just a few basics and there are so many more. You don't want to get overwhelmed so pick one or two at a time, master it and then take on another.
You have your product,now what?
Now you have to have a site of some sort and drive traffic to it. I will discuss the traffic generating later. You can build a site many ways and it does not cost a dime. You can start a blog, build a squidoo lens (highly the easiest and my favorite) Lets say you have a broad topic like pet care. You can break down your pet care into, healthy pet foods, grooming your cat, bathing your farrot etc.... and create a lens on each niche. There is also hub pages. Put your affiliate link on all of these and link them together.
Now you have your site, with your affiliate link, you are ready to go on line and advertise adn start making money with affiliate marketing.
Now you have your site, with your affiliate link, you are ready to go on line and advertise adn start making money with affiliate marketing.
How Do You know What to Promote as an Affiliate Marketer
I have basically found there are 2 different types of affiliate marketing programs out there. 3 If you count multi level marketing, but I do not have the experience with that one, so I will focus on the other 2.
1. This is when you google affiliate marketing and all those opportunities pop up. These are mostly just a business in a box. You purchase the program and promote it. You are just convincing others to purchase the same program and promote it and you get paid. There is usually a start up cost that is often a monthly fee. Although these have been known to work, and many offer you lots of information on how to market on the Internet, the competition is sometimes great and in my opinion is not something you can really get passionate about.
2. Find an affiliate product that you are passionate about and have some knowledge about and promote that. Lets say you want to promote a weight loss product. Go to sign up for a free account and there you go, hundreds of products to choose from. Pick one, and get to work. Clickbank usually pays 50% or more for every sale you make. Remember this too, the Internet is up 24/7 and covers the entire world.
There are many other places to go to search for affiliate products to promote, there is, commision junction, payloadz and many more. Lets say you can't find a product that floats your boat on any of these sites, there is an alternative. You can type in almost anything in google and put affiliate behind it and you would be amazed how many programs are out there that use us affliates like little soldiers to drive their business. You can promote electronics, traveling, just about anything, so be creative when making your choice and the more passionate about the industry you choose, the more success you wil have.
1. This is when you google affiliate marketing and all those opportunities pop up. These are mostly just a business in a box. You purchase the program and promote it. You are just convincing others to purchase the same program and promote it and you get paid. There is usually a start up cost that is often a monthly fee. Although these have been known to work, and many offer you lots of information on how to market on the Internet, the competition is sometimes great and in my opinion is not something you can really get passionate about.
2. Find an affiliate product that you are passionate about and have some knowledge about and promote that. Lets say you want to promote a weight loss product. Go to sign up for a free account and there you go, hundreds of products to choose from. Pick one, and get to work. Clickbank usually pays 50% or more for every sale you make. Remember this too, the Internet is up 24/7 and covers the entire world.
There are many other places to go to search for affiliate products to promote, there is, commision junction, payloadz and many more. Lets say you can't find a product that floats your boat on any of these sites, there is an alternative. You can type in almost anything in google and put affiliate behind it and you would be amazed how many programs are out there that use us affliates like little soldiers to drive their business. You can promote electronics, traveling, just about anything, so be creative when making your choice and the more passionate about the industry you choose, the more success you wil have.
What is Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is where you promote products or programs and make money on the internet. If you are new to it and you google it, you will get millions of hits on your search. You start to investigate into a few and wow, your mind starts turning and next thing you know you are in information overload. There are literally thousands of programs out there that claim you can get rich quick.
Before investing in any of these programs, research them. If you search it on google, you will get tons of reviews, but they are not always accurate, because chances are the person doing the review is also trying to promote the product that your are researching.
I have found the best place to review these affiliate programs is through work at home forums. There are real people there, newbies and veteran marketers who can tell you if these programs are legit. My two favorite forums are the Work-at-home-forum and the Warrior forum. They are communities with wonderful people who want to help.
With affiliate marketing don't expect to get rich overnight,it is not an overnight thing. Can you make money, oh yes, but the learning curve is steep. When I started, I thought I was in college all over again. I purchased so many different things that hyped me up and let me tell you they do use hype to sell their products. I am still cancelling things on my credit card that I had forgotten I had purchased.
Before investing in any of these programs, research them. If you search it on google, you will get tons of reviews, but they are not always accurate, because chances are the person doing the review is also trying to promote the product that your are researching.
I have found the best place to review these affiliate programs is through work at home forums. There are real people there, newbies and veteran marketers who can tell you if these programs are legit. My two favorite forums are the Work-at-home-forum and the Warrior forum. They are communities with wonderful people who want to help.
With affiliate marketing don't expect to get rich overnight,it is not an overnight thing. Can you make money, oh yes, but the learning curve is steep. When I started, I thought I was in college all over again. I purchased so many different things that hyped me up and let me tell you they do use hype to sell their products. I am still cancelling things on my credit card that I had forgotten I had purchased.
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