Tuesday, November 12, 2013

How to Start Affiliate Marketing


Monday, September 9, 2013

Carolina Robin and Pajama Affiliates!

Greeting my fellow affiliate and internet marketers. Many know me as Carolina Robin. I haven't posted here in a long long time.  Mostly because I have other ventures that I have created in the world of Internet Marketing.  I have created my own product, Pajama Affiliates and also have a full blown website and very active forum in my niche of choice.  Carolina Robin has been very busy! 

I have now been at this for 4 years.  In late 2011 my business was beginning to boom.  I had my first ever 10.000 dollar month and it just kept going.  Life was good.  I was doing that on mostly Squidoo alone, though I had just gotten my site for women up and running.  Then those zoo animals were let out of the gate, The Panda and The Penguin, and Squidoo took a hit and made some major changes.

My money dropped.  I didn't let this get me discouraged as I have had some major setbacks before.  My first site for women was hacked and it was rocking and rolling at the time.  That turned out to be a blessing in disguise, as my new site, lovegirltalk, is by far superior. 

I still use Squidoo and still consider it an excellent training ground and great for driving traffic, but mostly, my new content now goes to my sites and not Squidoo.  

It's been a long road, but the money is coming in again and this time I expect to top that10,000 month!  My product, Pajama Affiliates is still out there where I teach newbies how to get up and running in affiliate marketing.  I am also working on updating it, as I have learned so much more since I created it.

Anyway, just dropping in here adding some fresh content and to let you know what I have been up to.  To those reading this, don't give up.  Look at obstacles and setbacks as an opportunity and just keep pushing forward.  You can find my new blog at Pajama Affiliates or if you are a woman seeking dating or relationship advice, you can find me at lovegirltalk!

Adios for now,

Carolina Robin