started here. The rest is history. I am an affiliate marketer and this is where I got my big break, at Squidoo creating lens. My little Empire is little. It is not my sole source of income, but it pays all of my bills. I started with Pot Pie Girls plan, One Week Marketing. The idea is to create one lens per week for a year. That's 52 lens up and running on auto-pilot. Not bad. This is how you make money on Squidoo.
My little Empire though is only 26 lens. Most of them on relationships. The only thing I have done different than Pot Pie Girl really is I didn't just release my lens and let them be. I baby them. I watch them. I check their stats. I look for ways to improve them. My results are not bad, not bad at all. I have 4 of my lens connected to one clickbank account. The results for the last few weeks are below. Pot pie girl says you can make money on squidoo, I believe her now.
Week Ending Gross Sales
2012-01-25 (current week) $825.46
2012-01-18 $734.50
2012-01-11 $508.31
2012-01-04 $643.36
2011-12-28 $412.05
As you can see in 4 weeks they doubled. That is another blog post but it happened because of a coaching course I invested in here.
The fact of the matter is if you tweak your lens a few times a month and ping them, they will rise in the search engines. Check your stats and see what terms are being used to find your lens in the search engine. Incorporate these terms into your text module titles and content and reping. This doesn't take long at all, a few minutes which translates to dollars.
Below is a shot of my dashboard this morning of my top 4 lens which rank for #3, #4. #8 and #13 in relationships.
[Featured! Click for more info.] 4,971 week
236 today $2.44 01/10/2012
[Featured! Click for more info.] 9,991 week
414 today $2.82 12/28/2011
[Featured! Click for more info.] 2,235 week
88 today $0.00 01/13/2012
[Featured! Click for more info.] 1,026 week
46 today $0.00
That's a total of 18,223 visits for the week. Not bad. All of my lens have a rss feed from my blogs in them which also translates to about 7000 visits to my blogs also.
Lens and blogs all have affiliate links in them. The money Squidoo pays I donate to charity. Another important factor that you can play around is the products that you are promoting. All sales pages do not convert at the same rate. I added a high converting product to one lens and my income doubled that week.
Also my lens have attracted the attention of other marketers. I have been paid up to $150 bucks to create a lens for others. Another source of income.
I wanted to post this as some simply tell me that using Squidoo is not wise. Some have told me you can't make money with squidoo. While I do agree putting all your eggs in one basket isn't wise, it sure doesn't hurt me to have a few in Squidoo. The great thing about it is it is so easy to use. Even for the technically challenges if you just follow the step by step guide here.