I recently ran a little test on my direct article marketing efforts. Direct article marketing is when I write an article, and direct it straight through to an affiliate link via a domain forwarding. I don't send it to a website, blog or lens.
I can track these sales via the hoplink clickbank code. I forwarded this clickbank link to a domain and use this domain exclusively in my direct article marketing efforts. I did this a month ago and have written 5 articles with this link in them. I am amazed really. In 30 days, I have made over $400 dollars just from those 5 articles. Not really bad, considering I can now write an article in less than 10 minutes.
If you are a newbie visiting my blog this may not make a lot of sense to you, but it is the easiest, least time consuming way to make money online. You will have to purchase a domain name, but you can purchase a dot us for under $4.00 per year. As you can see, I got that back 100 times over.
Now not all articles perform equally. It has taken me a while to get the hang of how to get a higher click through rate on my articles. It's been trail and error all the way. The great thing is those articles are out there forever making money for me. I never have to touch them again. I don't have to add content to a blog or website, I don't have to do anything else. Write the article and I am done.
Of course there is a little more to article writing than this, but it's the fastest, easiest way to start making money. Once you get the hang of it, you can zip out an article in less than 15 minutes and have it working for you.
As I have posted many times on this blog, I am a true bum marketer and rarely spend much money. Now though that I am making a steady income I am able to start investing, baby steps, into learning more. I promise never to suggest a product that I have not used and tested myself.
I recently invested under 20 bucks for a product that helped me. Article Dominance before I started this test and low and behold, learned a lot of new tricks with article marketing. If you are relatively new to affiliate marketing and use article marketing, this guide is a must. For more on article dominance, click here.